23-Foot Larson Powerboat - Aruba Lodní chartery

O této jachtě

23-foot Larson Powerboat with plenty of seating and a warm exterior design, powered by a Mercury engine, which can accommodate up to 8 passengers. The finest choice is to cruise Aruba island around the coast of Palm or Eagle beach.

Join us onboard for an unforgettable experience where you may explore marine life under the stunning Arabian ocean. This is undoubtedly a lovely and refreshing activity.

Detaily výletu

Itinerary: The journey might go to Mangel Halto, Malmok, Boca Catalina, Tres Trapi, Arashi, or the sunken SS Antilla, depending on where you board, how many hours it is, and what the wind is doing that day. We will consider the weather on the planned day to take you to the finest spot since we make efforts to ensure that you enjoy your trip as much as possible.

Bring some towels, sunscreen that won\'t harm the coral reefs, and a big smile.

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Nabízíme následující zájezdy

  • 3-hour Snorkeling & Relaxing Trip
    $650 USD

    Boarding: Boarding West Deck

    Itinerary: Depending on the direction of the wind at sea, the 3-hour snorkel boat trips will take you to Boca Catalina, Arashi, Tres Trapi, or the SS Antilla.

    8 people are included in the pricing.

    Includes: Soft drinks/water & snorkel gear

    You are welcome to bring your own drinks & food on board!

    Payment terms and conditions: 1 - Payment Link is sent to pay a small deposit to secure your charter. 2 - Payment link sent online 3-5 days in advance of the start of your trip with a surcharge of 6% credit card costs and 7% tax, together this is 13%. There are no negotiations possible about this. We will send the payment link. 3 - in cash without this 13% on the day of sailing, provided you buy extra food/drinks, this must be paid online at least 1-2 weeks in advance. When paying the remaining amount, a $250 security fee will be added. Here too, the following applies: pay cash in advance for the trip and then you will receive the money back immediately afterwards in cash or online with the necessary costs and you will also have it refunded in the same way.
  • 4-hour Snorkeling & Relaxing Trip
    $799 USD

    Boarding: Close to your hotel/apartment.

    Itinerary: Depending on the direction of the wind at sea, the 4-hour snorkel boat trips will take you to Boca Catalina, Arashi, Tres Trapi, or the SS Antilla.

    8 people are included in the pricing.

    Includes: Soft drinks/water & snorkel gear

    You are welcome to bring your own drinks & food on board!

    Payment terms and conditions: 1 - Payment Link is sent to pay a small deposit to secure your charter. 2 - Payment link sent online 3-5 days in advance of the start of your trip with a surcharge of 6% credit card costs and 7% tax, together this is 13%. There are no negotiations possible about this. We will send the payment link. 3 - in cash without this 13% on the day of sailing, provided you buy extra food/drinks, this must be paid online at least 1-2 weeks in advance. When paying the remaining amount, a $250 security fee will be added. Here too, the following applies: pay cash in advance for the trip and then you will receive the money back immediately afterwards in cash or online with the necessary costs and you will also have it refunded in the same way.

Časté dotazy

Je nutné, abych se obával o mořskou nemoc?
Jaký je rozdíl mezi soukromou chartou a pravidelnou/sdílenou/veřejnou chartou?
Nabízíte pronájem lodí bez posádky?
Jaké informace ode mě potřebujete, abyste mi poslali cenovou nabídku na pronájem lodi?
Jaké jsou vaše platební podmínky?
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Vyberte čas a datum pronájmu lodi


Dotazy nebo požadavky

Vaše kontaktní údaje

Kalkulace ceny

Výchozí sazba: 800 USD

Počet osob zahrnutých ve výchozí sazbě: 4

Sazba za další cestující: 80 USD

Základní cena: 550 USD

Celková cena: 550 USD

Vklad 0 USD

Zůstatek: 550 USD

Zatím není vyžadována žádná platba!
1/ Nejprve vám zašleme potvrzení o dostupnosti lodi.
2/ Pokud se rozhodnete pokračovat a zarezervovat si charter, stačí kliknout na platební odkaz a zaplatit malou zálohu (max 15%). Platební odkaz bude zaslán s potvrzením dostupnosti.
3/ Po zaplacení zálohy obdržíte velmi podrobné potvrzení zájezdu.

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